Scrubs Cleaning Service

Cleaning Supplies Tips

- Make a cleaning kit that contains all the materials needed to clean each room. (Make a separate    bathroom kit.) You can store your kit in a cleaning caddy, plastic bucket, or basket. This way you    can carry your supplies with you to each room.

- Keep your tools clean and store brooms and brushes off their bristles.

- Replace worn or empty items as soon as possible.

- Rubber gloves are essential when working with chemicals. Choose an appropriate pair according to    what chemicals you will be using. Gloves that are flock lined are fuzzy on the inside and help to    prevent sweating making them more comfortable to wear and remove.

- NEVER mix cleaning products together. When ammonia (like but not limited to whats in Windex) and bleach    (like but not limited to Clorox) are combined they create a toxic deadly gas.